Here are many of our white papers, articles, application briefs, and eBook.

White Papers & eBook

Here you may download the Sage Metering white papers and eBook.
White Papers & eBookSage AuthorDate
Industry Guide for Thermal Mass Meters (an eBook)Bob Steinberg, PresidentApril 2021
Fundamentals of Thermal Mass Flow Measurement Wayne Shannon, Marketing ManagerAugust 2015
ISO 50001 Energy Management: The Use of Thermal Mass Flow Meters in ISO 50001 Energy Management SystemsWayne Shannon, Marketing ManagerJuly 2015
Flare Gas and 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOO Wayne Shannon, Marketing ManagerNovember 2014
Flare Gas and Measurement Using Sage Thermal Mass Flow MetersBob Steinberg, PresidentJuly 2013
Combustion Efficiency and Thermal Mass Flow MetersBob Steinberg, PresidentNovember 2012
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring Using Thermal Mass Flow MetersBob Steinberg, President2012

Industry Articles

Here are download Sage Metering industry articles.
TitleSage AuthorDatePublisher
Specifying a thermal mass flowmeter for gasesBob Steinberg, PresidentJuly 2020Flow Control Magazine
5 Factors Impacting Flow Meter Accuracy, Flow Profile, and ConditioningGary Russell, Director of EngineeringMay 2018Flow Control Magazine
How to Overcome Thermal Mass Flow Meter LimitationsWayne Shannon, Marketing ManagerJune 2017Flow Control Network
All You Ever Wanted to Know about Thermal Mass Flow MetersWayne Shannon, Marketing ManagerJune 2017Flow Control Network
The Challenges and Solutions of Flare Gas MeteringWayne Shannon, Marketing ManagerJune 2017Flow Control Network

Application Briefs

Here are Sage Metering's technical notes and flyers on various applications of thermal mass flow meters.
Ethanol Production and GHG ReportingJuly 2016
Aeration Airflow at Wastewater Treatment PlantsFeb 2023
Landfill Gas April 2015
Natural Gas – An Application Guide for Thermal Mass Flow MetersMarch 2017
Natural Gas Compressor Station Flow ControlFeb 2024
Natural Gas DistributionFeb 2023
Nitrogen Blanketing April 2015
Wastewater Digester Gas April 2015
Wastewater Treatment FlyerRev. 2 1011