On the heels of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, P.I. Process Instrumentation magazine features Bob Steinberg’s new article, “Methane emission sources and monitoring to address climate change.”

2021 COP26 UN Climate Change Conference

The 2021 COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow concluded November 13 with a pledge. Many view it as a compromise by setting the goal with the ‘least worst’ outcome.

“The sirens are sounding. Our planet is talking to us and telling us something. And so are people everywhere. Climate action tops the list of people’s concerns across countries, age, and gender. We must listen—and we must act—and we must choose wisely.” —SANTÓNIO GUTERRES, U.N. Secretary-General

Within the ‘outcome’ document is a methane pledge to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030. This pledge was led by the United States and the European Union, and more than 100 countries agreed.

The United States Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan focuses on cutting pollution in the U.S. from significant sources of methane emissions. See the “U.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Plan: Critical and Common Sense Steps to Cut Pollution and Consumer Costs while Boosting Good-Paying Jobs and American Competitiveness.”

Methane emission sources and monitoring to address climate change

By Bob Steinberg

Climate change is here and has been caused by human activities triggering the release of greenhouse gases into the air, leading to global warming. The two most significant GHG emissions are carbon dioxide and methane. While carbon dioxide emissions are the most significant by volume, methane has a significantly higher global warming potential. It becomes a critical component in the strategy to reduce emissions and prevent global warming.

There are three primary sources of methane emissions, all caused by human desires and needs, and there are protocols to mitigate and monitor emissions of targeted sources. The thermal mass flow meter is recognized as the most appropriate device to monitor emission reductions and meet such demands.

This article focuses on mitigating methane’s impact on global warming rather than addressing the urgent global and national efforts to slow down the dangerous rise of carbon dioxide levels.

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methane emission sources
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EPA Emissions Rule

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