FAQ – In what pipe sizes can the thermal flowmeter measure?

The thermal mass flow meter can measure in pipe sizes as small as ¼ inch [...]

FAQ – What is the lead time for a flowmeter?

One of the more common questions we receive at Sage is, “What is the lead [...]

FAQ – Can I change the parameters of my Prime thermal flow meter?

A common question we routinely field at Sage Metering is, “Can I use third-party software [...]

FAQ – My Sage thermal mass meter display is dark

Recently a customer called and said, “My thermal mass meter display is dark. Is it [...]

Part VI of Natural Gas Flow Meter Types – Thermal Flow Meters

In part VI of my series on natural gas flow meter types, I discuss the [...]

FAQ – How do I place my thermal mass flow meter order?

As a customer service agent for Sage Metering, I’m often asked, “What is the best [...]

Natural Gas Flow Meter Types | Gas Turbine Meter

In my ongoing series on natural gas flow meter types, within this post, I discuss [...]

Natural Gas Flow Meters | Rotary Meter

Here I discuss another positive displacement meter in our continuing series on natural gas flow [...]

Natural Gas Flow Meter Types | Coriolis Flow Meter

We discuss the Coriolis flowmeter in part three of this series on natural gas flow [...]

Natural Gas Flow Meter Types | Diaphragm Meters

The diaphragm meter is a positive displacement natural gas flow meter used by utility companies [...]

Global Warming Sparks Flow Meter Development

In an earlier post, I discussed how the acid rain problem led to the advancement [...]

Acid Rain Influenced Thermal Flow Meter Development

Thermal flow meter development over the last couple of decades was largely driven to address [...]

Sage Thermal Mass Flow Meter Manufacturer History

When we examine the history of thermal mass flow meter manufacturers, what emerges is the [...]

FAQ: What is the Difference between Accuracy and Repeatability?

What is the difference between accuracy and repeatability? We frequently compare flow meters’ specifications to [...]

Mass Flow Meter for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Thermal mass flow meters are becoming the preferred choice for monitoring and measuring greenhouse gas [...]

The Most Energy Efficient Thermal Flow Meter Available

There is some irony in that thermal flow meters identify areas to conserve energy while [...]

Measure Mass Flow Rate? Why is This Important?

Why measure the mass flow rate? That is the question I address in this new [...]

Flow Meter Manufacturer Releases New Video

Sage Prime Video Sage Metering, the manufacturer of the Sage Paramount and Prime® Thermal Mass [...]

Air Flow Meter for Combustion Efficiency | Industrial Boilers

We conclude this combustion efficiency series by explaining that thermal mass flow meters are ideally [...]

Mass Flow, Differential Pressure and Air Flow Meters

Many flow technologies can be used to measure gas flow. In part four of this [...]

Flowmeter Class 1 Div 2 has edge over Cl 1 Division 1

While the NEC permits the use of a Cl 1 Division 1 approved thermal mass [...]

Flue Gas Analysis and Air/Fuel Flow – Combustion Efficiency

In part three of this series on combustion control, we consider flue gas oxygen and [...]

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems

The EPA requires facilities emitting 25,000 metric tons of CO2e annually to report annual GHG [...]

GHG emissions reporting for stationary sources | 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart C

Facilities emitting 25,000 metric tons of CO2e annually are required by the EPA to report [...]